Saturday, November 11, 2006

In "hind"sight!

Well, we feel like we're finally travelling. Now that we have Brian's bag we are able to forge ahead as planned. Looking back on our last few days we know that we've learned valuable lessons and having a lost bag worked out for some good. If we hadn't stayed in Casabanca for a few days we definitely would have been retracing some steps and spending some needless time and money. God works for the good of those who love Him and He's been good to us.

We are currently in Marrakech. It is an amazing medievel type city and crazy is the best word to describe it. There are people everywhere all trying to sell their goods and lure you into their stalls. Below is a picture of some of the unique lamps they sell. If we were heading home from here I'd definitely be buying a suitcase for souvenirs (Brian is rolling his eyes).

This morning we were able to take a "free for my friends" tour of the tanneries where we saw how leather is made and dyed. It was really neat to see. A lot of hard work goes in to it. The workers almost look like slaves. I'm sure that many people would be surprised to see how the process goes and how "dirty and smelly" it actually is. Unfortunately we haven't been having much luck with our pictures today. One of our films didn't wind and we also accidentily erased all of our other pictures on our digital. We've gone from crying to laughing over that one! We are having fun and are doing well other than some blisters on our feet from walking. We dined on some more fine Moroccain cuisine tonight and will miss this country for it's excellent food.

Tomorrow we plan to head to Agadir to spend some time on the beach "chillaxin with a mint tea" and our desert adventures begin shortly afterwards.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi I envy you guys. What is your accommadations like for sleeping? Are necessities like washrooms readily available?

4:07 PM  
Blogger Shaun, Michelle, Kaelyn & Zoe said...

That's what I want to see! More rated R pics! Glad to hear things are working out in good subtle and not so subtle ways! God is good!

1:07 AM  

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