Thursday, November 30, 2006

Some Cairo Pics

Here's the Nile River right in Downtown Cairo.

This helps to show a bit of perspective. Look at how small the people are and that shows how big these things are.

Some of the kids who wanted our picture and autographs.

A cool pic, but it really doesn't show how big these things are.

Here are some of the guys on the camels that hasseled us every 5 min. to take a ride.

Another pyramid picture.

Here's another far away shot of the biggest pyramids.

Here is a view of our roof-top hotel. It might be the best place that we've stayed so far. Did we mention it's only $5 a night?

This is a picture from inside one of the Kings tombs. The images on the left and right were carved into the rock and then painted. The man in the middle is a painted statue.

Here is another picture of what can be found all over the walls of the tombs. It is amazing how perfect and detailed these pictures are, considering the fact that they are carved out of stone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing! I'm absolutely loving reading your blog every day. It's part of Alana's and my morning routine :) and we tell it all to Richard once he comes home at night.
It sounds like you've been having an amazing journey so far! I can just imagine when you're old and gray, you'll have your grandkids on your knee and tell them of the times when you travelled through Africa. Such vivid stories you'll be able to share.
I'm living vicariously through you as well, I tell my youth about you every Thursday night :) Definately will be telling them of your ride through the desert and blowing tires!
Keeping you in our prayers, may God be with you through the rest of your journey.

9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know guys "de nile" ain't just a river in Egypt. I don't really know how that fits with your post, but I wanted to get in on the pun action too. See you in "egypt".

10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything about your trip looks fantastic. all I can say is WOW.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really interesting! Hey Eileen I resemble that "old and gray" comment. Danielle got her G2! You should be save in Africa! Love you
miss you.

8:11 PM  

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