Monday, December 18, 2006

Back to the Big City

Well, here we are back in the biggest city in Africa, Cairo. We left the Red Sea and Dahab behind us, and took a bus here today. It was only a ten hour trip, so that was a nice relief. The bus ride had an interesting element to it when we passed under the Suez canal. All the passengers were asked to get off the bus and pull our luggage out of the storage as well. The army then did a "thorough" bomb search, which turned up nothing. Also, now that we are out of Dahab, we can inform you of some info that would have perhaps frightend our beloved family had they known it while we were there. Last April, if you recal, there was a bombing at a resort town in Egypt and 10 tourists were killed along with dozens of locals. That took place in Dahab. We found that out when we arrived. You could see where it happened, since the concrete is ruined in that place.

But, Dahab was so great, and Egypt as a whole hasn't been to shabby either. However, we've been in North Africa for almost 2 months now, and are more than ready to move on.

Tomorrow night we fly out of Cairo for Nairobi. We plan to spend three days there, and then we fly to Burundi to visit Doug and Deanna. For those of you who don't know them, they are friends of ours from our home church who are with MCC in Burundi. Erin actually has known Doug her entire life! So we are quite excited to visit them and spend the Christmas season with friends. For some of you, you'll find it interesting that Brandon Thiessen will be there as well. He's also with MCC in Burundi now.

Not much else to say. We fly out at 4:30 pm Ontario time in case you want to know.

Next report from south of the equator!

Oh, check out the Nairobi forcast! We haven't seen much of the wet stuff thus far.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there:

It's nice to see you are enjoying yourselves. The mountain must have taken your breath away. What a beautiful sunrise. Take care.

Terri & Cynthia

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys! I finally found your blog site!!!
Wow, what can I say? I am incredibly awed as I scan your blogs and pictures. What an amazing opportunity to view God in an entirely different way. May He continue to bless your travels, to enrich your learnings and to fill your spirit with joy as you remember Him as Christmas approachs (and what a different Christmas it will be). all the best...enjoy the rest!
lots of love...Randy & Tammy

10:40 PM  

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