Monday, December 04, 2006

Biking to Karnak

We had a really great morning today and went to see the amazing Karnak Temple. We're not up on all the history of the place, but it was incredible none the less. The biggest attraction there, by far, is the great hypostyle hall. We couldn't even capture how amazing it was with pictures. There are 134 pillars in a small area - we're guessing they're about 40 feet tall. They all have been carved with intricate details. Walking through them made us feel very small! It would have been amazing to have seen this place in it's original condition. Many of the statues and pillars have lost their design and colour over time, and others are crumbling. It's not surprising since they were built in 1292 BC. Check out these pictures. Brian thought this rivalled the pyramids for his favourite attraction.

Brian turned into a pharoah today!

We also spent some time training for the Squeezer today. We rented some bikes and spent a lot of the day riding through Luxor on our trusty clunkers, actually they weren't really that trusty. You should have seen these things. Despite the huge courdoroy seats they had, our bottoms are complaining. Brian's tire actually blew and he had to switch bikes half way through the day. But what else is new - we're getting used to old modes of transportation. Check out these action shots!

Other than that we spent some time relaxing along the Nile and saw another beautiful sunset. We're off for some more adventures tomorrow but we're getting ready for some new scenery soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian, the poses are so real that if you just stayed there, people would be posting them on their travel blogs! Irene and I have bikes just like the ones you were using!

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the action shots. Brian I think your bike needs some "klackers" and also a card in the spokes.

WE HAVE SNOW WE HAVE SNOW almost an inch of it.

9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Just a update on the amount of snow Matt is in metric we really have 2.5 to 3 inches. Jenn had to drive home from Vineland in the snow. She made it safely but was real glad to be home. The roads are not sanded and are very slippery. Like the pictures and the bikes. When do you leave for Kuwait? Keep you in our prayers Love you both

10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you two...

I meant to ask you in my last email, have you heard any good African music? We were at a restaurant today and heard some wild african women signin some serious tunes...reminded us of you and thought we should ask.

11:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Millzies

All we've heard so far is some sweet arabic pop music. It's actually quite hilarious and can give you a headache if you listen too much.There's also some wailing arabic music - it's a bit older and only on cassette tapes. We've heard a bunch of that too. The same 20 min. song is repeated over and over and over....

12:08 PM  

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