Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Sun, Snorkels and Shakes! (Milkshakes that is)

Not enough of you said that you were on your way over here for a holiday this week, so I figure that we should show you how great it is here!

First off - The Food!

The poor starving Africa travelers are putting on weight here! As Brian said yesterday, the water is lined with restaurant after restaurant, all doing what they can to tempt the traveller in. They have just about everything to offer from pasta, fresh seafood, meat, chicken, desserts and milkshakes galore! We both had steak dinners last night with appetizers and dessert. It was great and we were stuffed! Breakfasts have been equally as good, with any type of pancake you can imagine, with all the toppings!

Although the promised bacon and sausage isn't what you'd find at home, it sure makes a great meal (especially in contrast to the bread and jam/nutella we've been eating up until now). Our fresh fish and shrimp meal was great tonight too!

(They even lit a candle and put it inside an onion shell!)

The Atmosphere

Dahab is a diving ghetto. Because the diving here is so good, many great divers come, and many other people learn to dive here. You see them everywhere!

We've also heard Dahab described as "a state of mind" and not simply a place. Everything here is so laid back and completely different from the rest of Egypt. Although I still consider it a place(as you can take a bus here), it has really helped my state of mind become much more positive (compared to what it was on our bus ride here)!

All of the restaurants here cater to the tourist crowd. A popular way to eat or relax is in many of the cushioned areas, and at many restaurants you can recline on the floor with pillows and mats beside burning fires. It's so hard to describe, but it's so great.

The Sea!

We had our first taste of snorkeling today. Unfortunately we can't take pictures to capture what we saw underwater. It was amazing! God is a magnificent creator! I'm sure most of you have seen underwater footage of schools of fish, and fish with amazing colours and unusual appearances; this is what we saw today. Not to mention the blue rocks and colourful coral. It's a different world with your head under the water. We can't wait to jump back in again tomorrow! The water here is really warm too! One of the divers told us it's 23 C. At times it's warmer than the air temp.

Fun in the Sun!

You couldn't get bored here! Spending time sitting in the sun and reading is great when you need a break from snorkeling. But even when this wears thin there is always the milkshakes and fresh fruit juices. When the mango gets boring.....

...try the coconut! (Or orange, melon, strawberry, lemon....)

More to come tomorrow!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Toques and hoods in the restaurant, and then skin and tall drinks on the beach??? The truth is, there is no beach -- just a cardboard painting of cabanas in the background. Nice try! What do fish eyes taste like? I know, there are no fish, just ... You're in Ottawa.

2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok... after that blog I am ready to come!! ps- I am putting up ur christmas tree today!!

2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pictures of those pancakes are almost as enticing as the IHOP ones we had here in Orlando.
Glad you found a place to relax ENJOY!

3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I think our trip to Dahab will have to wait til Alana is older, but it definitely looks amazing! Glad to hear you guys are having the time of your lives!
Our tree is all set up, and Alana loves to tug at the balls on the bottom branches. Now that there are some presents underneath it, she finds it even more enticing! It's definitely becoming her favourite place to crawl to.
Keeping you in our prayers, God's blessing on Both of you.

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Guys:

Erin it is so nice to see you have skin after being covered up for most of your trip so far. Don't forget the sunscreen!! I am so glad you are having fun.

Terri and Cynthia

8:41 PM  

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