Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Touring Some Tombs

Today, we had another day of the same old tourist stuff. These types of days do not always translate into really exciting blogs. So I'll just give you the basic details.

We went over to the other bank of the Nile to see a bunch of tombs. They were pretty good, but we were no allowed to take pictures inside of them. The colours of these tombs were extremly well preserved, since they have not been exposed to sunlight, and flashes will ruin the colour. That was what made these tombs so nice to see. The colours were incredible! These were the first things we have seen that have not faded. Today we took a guided tour, which was nice for a change. We had the oportunity to learn about all the history of the kings and queens. What I found to be so interesting was the way that they carved the tombs and huge tunnels out of solid rock. They used bronze chisels and wooden hammers. It must have taken so long! They would start working on the tomb of a King as soon as he got into power, and they rarely had them completed by the time the ruler died. Some ruled over 30 years and still these were not finished.

When we returned from our tour Erin and I napped the rest of the day away. We woke up some time after 6pm. That was sweet!

Tomorrow night we head out to Kuwait!

The funeral temple of Queen Hapshepsuts

Erin and some falcon god

Two impressively large statues that used to guard a temple

our favourite insect, they carved this for us (we also learned that they used beeswax to preserve the colour and make them shiny)

enjoying the fruits of the Nile!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice pictures! The falcon god appears to have some competition.

6:33 PM  
Blogger Shaun, Michelle, Kaelyn & Zoe said...

Can't wait for Kuwaitt! Bring back some oil...to Alberta...oh, that doesn't work.

12:26 AM  

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