Thursday, December 14, 2006

What a Wonderful Maker!

Wow, today was one of those days for me, when God just opened my eyes to see something new about him! Today I was struck in a new way at the wonder of who God is, and how he has displayed himself in creation. I won't be able to convey this very well, but I hope you get it.

Just while I was snorkeling around the reef, staring at all the amazing fish and colours of the coral, it just hit me in a new way. God just sort of said to me, "hey, I made this for me...and you!" I was marvelled by the fact that God had spoken this unfamiliar world into existence for his pleasure. Wow! Not only was I moved by who God was, but he also allowed me to see the beauty in a crystal clear way. I can't explain it. Perhaps it's easiest to just say that today, it was exponentially more beautiful than it was yesterday to me. What a wonderful maker!

Me contrasting the gracefulness of the fish!

On a lesser note, I have to reprimand those of you who are showing some serious signs of doubting that we are at the beach. One particularily bold retirie, suggested that we may even be in our nations capital. Imagine that... Erin and I drive 6 hrs to the coldest capital on the planet, only to paint cardboard so that it looks like something from paradise, and then proceed to find some fresh fish market and tell you all about the wonderful snorkeling. I'm disgusted! That's it, we're considering reading all comments before they are published. All the puns from some mystery guy, and everyone coveting our trip has pushed us over the edge.

Come on man, could I really have painted such a good looking tropical dessert, and such a studly guy in the back drop?!

On an ever lesser note, we had the "priviledge" of attending an Egyptian birthday party last night, for the guy who runs our hotel. Uncle Jimmy, as I'm sure he's named himself, turned 31 and had a party with all his friends and some travellers. It was basically a bunch of 20ish men dancing around one guy dancing on a table to Arab pop; much like the music videos we've seen at Mc Donalds. It was quite humorous, but it seemed as though they were having fun.

Much of the same is planned for tomorrow, and we also planned to hike up Mt. Sinai to watch the sun rise on Saturday morning. Should be good!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That guy in the speedo lives in Ottawa. I've seen that fruit at ValueMart. You're close enough to get here for supper tommorow. Expecting you around 6:00 -- do you still like ribs?

5:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really good post. The speedo guy was very funny.

6:43 PM  

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