Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Game Plan

Here's a quick update (sans pictures) for our plans in the upcoming days.

Right now we're killing some time waiting for our bus to fill up to take us to the Tanzanian border town in Uganda. We then need to find a ride into Bukoba where we'll catch a ferry across Lake Victoria, tomorrow into Mwanza. From here we spend a couple of days on a train (old and slow!) into Kigoma where we can recuperate for a few days in paradise.

From Kigoma we take a boat all the way down Lake Tanganyika into Zambia. We're really looking forward to our boat ride....it should take a couple of days.

So, these are the tentative plans....in Africa it kinda seems that nothing goes as planned so we'll see what happens!

Uganda has been a great country, I would say that overall it's been the best country so far. As far as lessons learned in Africa go I've (Erin) realized that I definitely like the country life better than the big city life, I really like washing machines (especially when things get really muddy because of the rain), even if I think I've gotten to be more flexible on this trip, there is still a lot more learning to do, staying in top biking form isn't really possible when your diet consists of Fanta (pop), french fries and other fried foods, and I really like living in Canada, although Africa has been pretty good too.

I know we've said it a million times but thanks for staying in contact with us. We love hearing from all of you through email or on our blog.


Blogger Paul and Yolanda Koole said...

Hey Guys! It's been really neat to hear about your adventures in Africa. I'm always excited to see the pictures of all the amazing places you've been. Enjoy the rest of your time there!!
Paul and Yo in NZ

5:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep. sounds like a good plan. you have my approval. :)
umm....can't WAIT to talk to you guys. soon enough i guess. glad to hear you are still having a blast.

1:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey get a picture of the old train.
How much money is the train ride?

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Guys:

We finally have winter here!!! Three days after a storm and the trees are still covered in ice. It is so pretty. It would be pretty interesting to see a hippo or croc slipping around on the our ice!!!

Have a good boat ride.

Terri & Cynthia

PS--We are starting up junior youth next week!!!

11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys, I'm stoked about your trip, it sounds pretty great. The blog updates are awesome. PEACE!

Nate D.

12:42 AM  

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