Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Mt. Muhavura

We did it! Erin and I went up Mt. Muhavura; and made it back down too! We had a great time, although if you'd had asked us half way up how we were doing, we wouldn't have said that.

The climb started at 2000m and we climbed through virgin rainforest to a height of 4127m. That's the highest both of us have ever been! The hike was very challenging. We climbed that height in under 5km, so the grade was very steep. Since it was rainforest it was, you guessed it, wet. We had sopping wet feet and had plenty of mud on us as well, which wasn't so easy to wash out in a bucket. Natuarlly as we climbed we really felt the altitude. We both got headaches and were really sucking wind, but we still made it up in 4 hours. In spite of all of that, it was great. We had the mountain to ourselves, and the wildlife. Only 200m from where we started there was a pack of mountain gorrillas, which we were not allowed to go see without paying the 375USD. We also saw two chameleons, some birds with beautiful colours, buffalo dung, and fantastic views of Uganda and Rwanda. It was a really rewarding effort. I was really impressed with Erin. She was by no means any slower than I was, and we were informed that less than 25% of females that attempt the climb succeed. So my hats off to her. Unfortunately while we were on the summit we were in a cloud, so the pictures aren't fantastic. Sorry Brando.

This morning we left Kisoro at 6am and are now in Kampala, the busy capital. We'll spend a day here and then move on. It's always nice to be in a big city in Africa so that we can reap the western treats that are hard to come by elsewhere.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you have the pictures (proof of buffalo dung is missing) to show that you prevailed! Well done!

11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats Erin!!! the pics are amazing and we've LOVED reading about all you've been doing! I love seeing more of the rural areas in your pictures... absolutely beautiful!!! and i LOVE your hair erin!!! It's so authentic, it looks like you have so much hair! VERY cool!

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

way to go Erin. I knew you could do it, but I think you have to thank Brian for helping you make the climb. It was probably all the "encouragement" he gave you at home - to get on your bike and make tracks through the hills.

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to BOTH of you. 4127 m. is a significant elevation, and you're aerobic bike training undoubtedly paid off.

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! did u scream at the top once you were there?? I would have!!!

6:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a trail through the rainforest that the locals use? When you say virgin rainforest do you mean that it is not affect by man?

6:47 PM  
Blogger Shaun, Michelle, Kaelyn & Zoe said...

Dude! That's awesome! And the green is unbelievable! I love it man! Following you now via Google Earth every day! Keep up the good hiking Erin (man, Brian, she drinks coffee and hikes up mountains - she's a machine!)

6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go Erin!!! The pictures and stories are great. You're hair looks amazing too. We send our love to both of you

Terri & Cynthia

10:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go guys. Brian, you disappointed me though. Instead of following Erin's lead and braiding your luxurious hair, you cut it off. In the spirit of what Paul would have said, you should have gone all the way and shaved your head while you were at it! Beautiful pictures though. It's awesome to follow your adventures.

9:55 AM  

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