Saturday, February 10, 2007

In S.A.!

Well, we are here in Cape Town. We had a great trip on the Intercape Sleepliner. The name was right, we slept like little babies the entire way. The trip actually only took 19.5 hrs instead of the forcasted 20hrs; another first for us!

We're in a beautiful city. We haven't seen to much of it yet, but it's said to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. We'll have pictures plus our personal opinion, which I know you all value, on here soon enough.

We'll just leave you with a few pictures from Windhoek.

what? what city are we in? interestingly enough, nothing in this store was actually "Beaver Conoe".

"save me Brian!"

"hole in one!"

beethoven, or mozart?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I had not seen the pictures from your safari I would say that you are in Toronto and just not telling anyone. Enjoy the pool and did you make the hole in one? Love you both Mom

2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

have been following your journey with great interest. What a great time you must be having! Enjoy and savour every moment. You,re creating incredible memories! Miss you both. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Brian (belated) You won't forget this one!!Keep well and safe. You are in my prayers.

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you are in Cape Town. How fitting to be there during Black History Month.

It looks like you need some practice on your piano the way ...I am not sure what concerto you where playing....
see you soon...Aunt Mary Anne

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Brian and Erin! How are you doing? I have been missing you at jr. youth! I don't know if you know this but Dan and Catherine Gillard, Dominic and Elvera Trimboli, and Ang Epp are our new jr. youth leaders! We have been having so much fun! So far we have gone bowling, watched a movie @ the Trimboli's and gone swimming at Wes Weins' parents house. I miss you! If you ever have the time, it would be nice to hear from you too, that's if you have the time. Hope that all is well, and I will be praying for you guys!

7:30 PM  

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