Monday, February 26, 2007

Last Days!

Well folks, time is running out. Our trip is coming to a close... and we're excited! We've had an amazing time, but we are really looking forward to coming home. There are so many things we miss. Our families, our friends, our church, our home, our bikes, our bed, our food, our bikes, our food, oh yeah and family and friends too. Basically we miss home and everything that has to do with that. We're counting down the days now. It's Monday night here now and we leave on Thursday morning. So only two more days to kill now.
So what have we been doing to kill our time? Most of the things would make an amazing holiday that you wouldn't want to end... but we've been on holidays for 4 months now, and we don't really need a break from anything, so the time is going quite slowly. But we've been passing it by reading, lounging by the pool and on the beach, swimming, surfing, playing ping-pong and v-ball with each other and some of the friends we've made here. We've also been going for long walks on the beach (that sounds romantic eh?) and continuing to explore the aquatic life we find. We've played with hermit crabs and other big crabs, and we're also lucky to see dolphins jumping out in the ocean today.
Much of the same is on tap for the next two days. Right now it's off to see if I can regain the ping-pong title against this young lady beside me. She swept everyone today. She's made a few guys thirsty for revenge!

this is our favorite dog here. Xena is lazy beyond belief. Other than the shower, her favorite spot is beside the volleyball court. She know where the action is, even if she's not in it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're also looking forward to seeing you! Warmer week coming up, so you'll likely miss the snow. It will be back next year! Blessings.

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, I've been following your blog but only now realized I could leave a message.... You've seen and done some great things. wow! Good job and have a safe trip home.

6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

only a couple days to "kill time"... i guess it eventually comes down to that! we can't wait to see you guys! hopefully the time doesn't seem to drag on for you guys in these last few days! enjoy them as much as you can! love ya

6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Brian & Erin- can't wait to see you both so soon here in the 'great white north'! Praying for you during your next days of travelling!
Talk to you soon!
Love, Briar (for the W team!!)

7:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gonna miss your blog maybe you could do one on adventures in beekeeping. just wanted to wish you guys a safe trip home

12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Erin and Brian:
I'm sad that your trip is over, but glad that we'll see you again soon. We've learned alot about Africa while you've been gone, and a big thank you for that. Have a safe trip home, and see you both soon.
Love Terri & Cynthia

10:33 PM  

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