Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Perfect Day!

What an amazing day! No matter what I write on this post, I will not be able to convey what we saw. Nevertheless, I'll do my best to tell you about the day.

This morning Erin and I picked up our rental car. It's a Toyota Tazz! We immediately experienced the freedom we've been missing for the past 3 plus months. We'd forgotten how great it is to have our own set of wheels. It was so great to go where we want to, when we want to, and stop when we want to. Best of all, we didn't have to wait for our car to be full before we left. That being said, we wouldn't trade our memories of "real" african travel for anything.

So where did we go to excerise this new freedom of ours? The Cape of Good Hope was our destination; but what a journey it was there and back again. Today on our way to the southern most point on the continent of Africa, where the Atlantic and Indian Ocean meet, we had the priveledge of seeing some of the most beautiful scenery we've seen on our trip. Some would say Cape Point is some of the best scenery in the world. We'd agree! We had some great weather for it as well!

On our drive south we stopped several times to look at the sights, listen to the crashing waves, see the penguins, yes penguins, and just soak in everything around us. I'll say it again, what a wonderful maker!

some of the little friends we met today

Today also marked a bit of a bittersweet moment for the travelers. Not only did we have an amazing day in an amazing place, but today also marked the end of our journey from the top of Africa to the bottom. Although we've still got some time left, it'd felt like the destination we were trying to reach, since it's as far south as we can get. I guess it was a little sad. It's been a good one!

a view of two oceans at once

these are pictures from the drive up and down the cape

We drove down the east side of the cape and returned to Cape Town via the west coast. Along the way while we had a picnic lunch in a beautiful place, we whitnessed the return of our friends the babboons. Two were climbing on our car and entering our open windows. I ran over to get rid of them before any damage was done, and they ran straight over to my lovely wife. While screaming for my help, Erin was able to shake her water bottle in their direction. Luckily I heard her shrilling cries and came bearing rocks. Another rescue by the Beeman!
When we got back to Cape Town we drove up to two very spectacular vantage points that allowed us to look out over the city 1000 feet above. Because of the clear skies we were rewarded with some perfect views of the beautiful city.

cape town
some guy

We then returned to our hostel, changed our duds, and went down to the Waterfront for some "classic" views of Cape Town, a walk "down by the bay", and a fabulous dinner. The Waterfront is an incredibly pretty spot, and no visit to Cape Town would be complete without seeing it.

this hot chick I spotted

the waterfront

Our dinner was the best we've eaten in the last 3 months, hands down. It's the first time we really splashed out for food, and it didn't dissapoint. We ate at Belthazars, which was in a prime loaction, right on the water. It was also voted the best steak house in S.A. We each had a mouthwatering filet mingion with all the trimmings, and complemented it with some great South African wine, which we ordered off the "the largest wine menu in the world." Mmmmm good! "I'm lovin' it!" Or am I borrowing that from an even greater resturant?

I even clean up well enough to be seen with the largest wine list in the world. it has another side too!

Well I hope the pictures do some justice to what we saw today. I'm still smiling from a great day with my favourite person in some of God's most splendid scenery! We worship an awesome creator!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spectacular coast. WOW! Thanks for the post. Will show some of your recents pics in class on Sunday. We're just getting braced for what is supposed to be 40 cm of snow with -20 chill -- coming this evening. Schools closed in Hamilton this aft. Where would you rather be?

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that Cape Town's famous Table Rock behind the buildings across the water? How about a geography comparison. Africa's most southern point is only 34 degrees south latitude. Compare that to St. Catharines' 43 degrees north. I found that surprising... I confess that I am having to deal with some measure of jealousy recently. Please continue to enjoy for the rest of us.

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it was the "dutch buccaneer" that saved your wife from those baboons. That's a sweet shirt. You were posing behind the wrong sign, I much preferred the "baboons are dangerous and are attracted by food".
can you send us a close up of happy feet??


11:21 PM  

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